-I like someone
-Do i know him?
-Yes you see him every morning
-If i look through the mirror...maybe?
Eso dijimos.
Join me in death my true beloved one, my piece, my sm.
Needing you so badly, but you're not around to make me smile like you once did, truly.
Not my sweater, not my psp, not my laptop, not my heart spread in different reminders from you.
Wont you die tonight for love? Baby join me in death, won't you die?
You're deeply, buried, in the bottom of my true holy grounds. The memory is your coffin.
You're not around, my tears have dried already.
My eyes are becoming black.
Me desgarra tu memoria, abre de par en par la carne en mi pecho, this life ain't woth living...
Es la fuga, el escape de la realidad, mi alma sale corriendo mientras persigue tu sombra, tratándola de alcanzarla, de asirla, tocar su suela... te vas, te vas.
Ardo en el infierno. Te espero.
Mi infierno es verte y no tenerte
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